The new avengers official trailer no. 2 is released .Which got my heartbeat up to a point where i thought i was having a heart attack. 

Anyway i have analysed the trailer closely and i will share it with you

So lets begin:

The trailer begains with Gamora's voice
than the first scene you look at is natasha,bruce and rhodey looking up .
Now i think they are looking at either a plane that will take them to wakanda or  at the hulkbuster which bruce will be using for sure and I'll tell you why later.

Now in the trailer it looks like Gamora is talking to tony but if you look closely in the background of the first picture it looks like she is in her spaceship so my guess would be she is telling this all to Thor whom we saw in the end of thor ragnrok talking to the guardians of the galaxy and as far as tony asking about the name i think he is in Dr. stranges new york mansion if you look at in the background of the 2nd picture .

So in this picture you see Thanos putting the infinity stones in the Guntlet now the infinity stone he is placing appears to be blue but when you look closely there is another purple infinity stone in the Gauntlet already.Now the purple one is power stone which was supposed to be in possession of Nova corps but looks like he managed to get it from them my guess would be that the blast we saw in infinity war trailer no. 1 it was nova corps's sheep blowing up and The Blue one is Space stone or the Tesarect  which the last time we saw was in lokis hand.But i don't think loki gave it to him cause of what later happens in the trailer.

Thanos destroyes the Tesarect "even to a guy like me that's cold".Now i don't think destroying The Tesarect is easy and neither does Thanos would want to plus

Look in this picture and look in thanos's hand he only has the power gem which means he will get the other one from fighting someone and than he will put the space stone in its rightful place.

To the people who wanted to be like spiderman in school This is Spiderman in school.Sneeking out from the school bus to save the planet.

This scene of new york shows right after Spider-Man geeting down from the bus and seems a innocent shot of the city but if you look closely in far middle you'll see the big circled portal-ish which we saw in the first trailer.

In this scene we see Tony flying to see the portal and we also get a look of iron man new modifications.

In the next scene we get a look of the Time stones which in the trailer Dr.strange  still has it which makes it sure that thanos will be coming after him.


So here we see Dr. Strange screaming  as he is being impaled by thousands of niddles (which doesn't make him less of a man as i scream when impaled by one niddle)but we also get a clear look of  Thanos's black order member THE EBONY MAW(kinda looks like voldermort isn't he).Although it looks like a later part of the film cause Dr. strange is actually wearing a suit in it.

Here we see vision and wanda in wakanda and he still has the Mind Stone (so that's a relief)

It looked like a scene where Steve and natasha meets T'challa but when i looked in behind i saw most of the avengers as you can see bruce is also in it and in the first infinity war trailer we saw hulk fighting from wakanda and we don't see  tony anywhere near wakanda but
Hulkbuster is there so it makes sense that hulk might be in it and bruce brought it with him to wakanda (reasons unknown )

 in this scene we see the invisible protection border of wakanda being attacked

and also a close look of Thanos's army when they take on the hulkbuster.

Than we get a look of Guardians of the galaxy getting of the ship in an unknown place but looking at it closely it might be a place related to nova corps.
And i think these scene of Thor showing why he is the god of thunder happens somewhere around here.

And teen groot being near the lightning confirms it although what scares me the most is this scene
Thanos's hand on Thor's head (RUN THOR RUN)

Okay this scene is a bit of a comic relief as it settles the debate on who is the more annoying one Quil or Stark
But if you see that in all the trailers it seams clear that tony and steave are fighting far from each other.
There is a theory that says the scenes with tony, guardians of the galaxy and thor,spiderman and dr. strange is a fight in space while the scenes with daylite is fight on earth but it's just a theory which does have a point but one thing is clear that tony and steave aren't fighting side by side.

In this scene thanos is fighting a red armor which is either tony or the hulkbuster but looking at the background i think it's hulkbuster and that gives us a hint of how big thanos is also how he looks completely suited up.

Here we see  baby Gamora walking with Thanos holding his hands in a flashback so that's a little emotional take on Thanos.

Finally we see the complete Black Order with loki but look at the destruction arond them it looks like that Thanos has attacked the ship which was suppose to take asgardians to earth and loki has"came to bargain".

This is a really mysterious and sneeky scene cause of the blue light (that i circled ).maybe it's the Tesarect or maybe it's Quicksilver somehow back or maybe its nothing just a blue light its hard to tell as this blue light was really hard to be seen as it was for probably half second or less.

This sent a chill up my spine as first thanos says "i hope they remember you"
than if you look at tony's armor in 2nd picture it's really bad and than Thanos throws a punch .
Now whoever's on the receiving side of that punch is dead.(i hope it's not IRON MAN).

And in the last scene we see captain America blocking a punch from Thanos which is truly amazing given how powerful Thanos is.If you don't know that than check out my post on superpowers of the mad titan.
If you look closely you see Thanos's got only two stones which means he hasn't encountered Dr. strange,Vision or The Collector.
Now i hope steve isn't alone there or his chances of dying is gonna jump up a lot.

And in the end is a little comic scene between Dr.strange and Peter(i mean spiderman) 
So this is it i know it was long but it was a detailed analysis so it had to be.

Hope this helped. 

If you still don't know Thanos's Origins 
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And if you don't know about How powerful Thanos is than
click here 


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